All Discussions (158)
Learning Styles or Learning Disabilities?
Your Name and Title:
Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis, M.S., Educational Therapist
co-author Discover Your Child's Learning Style
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Ventura, CA, USA
Language in Which You Will Present:
Target Audience(s):
Read more…Unschooling and Radical Changes in Eating
Your Name and Title: Mary Herrington - Title: Captain SuperMom
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Southeast USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Unschooling and Alternative Eating Interest
Short Session Descript
Flipping the Homeschool Coop
Your Name and Title:
John Cummins and TaoTao Long, University of Tennessee Instructional Technology PhD candidate
Organization or School Name: University of Tennessee
Co-Presenter Name(s): TaoTao Long, University of Tennessee Instructional Technology Ph
Read more…Transforming learners into global citizens through Wikipedia
Your Name and Title: Natalie Rector, Emerging Technologies Librarian & Wikipedia Ambassador
School or Organization Name: New College of Florida
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Florida, USA (-5 GMT)
Language in Which You Will Present
Integrating Unschooling with Traditional Teaching
Your Name and Title: Dr.Revathi Viswanathan
Organization or School Name: B.S.Abdur Rahman University
Co-Presenter Name(s): ----
Area of the World from Which You Will Present
Read more…Motivation for the Uphill Climb: Praise and Success
Your Name and Title: Cindy Sheets,
Organization or School Name: Advocates for High Ability Learners and teacher, elementary gifted education Shawnee Mission School District, Shawnee Mission, KS
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You
Read more…micheal jackson
Micheal Jackson est le roi de la pop et il esr le plus grand artiste qui ait jaimais vecu
Read more…MyChatPack - creative video communication tool for the classroom and home.
Your Name and Title:
Justine Hughes Educator / Educational Consultant
Organization or School Name:
Virtual Technologies International Limited
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
New Zealand
Language in Which You Will Pre
Read more…UClass, the world at your fingertips!
Your Name and Title: Zak Ringesltein CEO and Co-Founder of UClass
Organization or School Name: UClass
Co-Presenter Name(s): Leah Schrader
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: San Francisco, CA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target A
Read more…Helping Boys Learn: 6 Secrets for homeschool success
Your Name and Title: Dr. Edmond J. Dixon
Organization or School Name: KEEN Learning Group
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Toronto, Canada
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Homeschoolers wh
Read more…My everyday life at school
Georges Brassens High School
Hello everybody !
I'll tell you about my High School.
It is located at Neufchâtel-en-Bray, Normandy.
Georges Brassens:
Georges Brassens was born on October 22nd 1921 in Sète, France. He was a famous French singer, songwri
Read more…Benefits and Challenges in Homeschool Education
Ann Gaudino, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Graduate Education
West Liberty University
West Virginia, USA
Educators and parents
This session presents benef
Read more…Research
I found the assignment on the Ithaca webpage to be really interesting. I investigated the websites listed there for a little more challenge on a topic I wanted to learn more about.
Read more…Slow Learning
Your Name and Title: P. Aravinda
Organization or School Name:
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Maryland
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Learners, including parents and teachers
Short Se
Read more…Teacher evaluation
There is in my country an interesting discussion regarding the evaluation of teachers’ activity. I would very much appreciate if some of you can share with us the experience in your countries. Maybe these questions could be of help.
1.- How and when aRead more…
What is Your Creation/Consumption Quotient? The Power of Learning By Doing
Your Name and Title:
Dr. Bernard Bull, Assistant Vice President of Academics & Associate Professor of Educational Design & Technology
Organization or School Name:
Concordia University Wisconsin
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Wisconsin, USA
Read more…How do you demonstrate good digital citizenship? #DigiFoot12
@Craig, I would also recommend your students be encouraged to check out their school and public library's online links and resources, many school and public libraries have safe searches in online sites and databases and more through their online cata
Read more…Writing Homeschooling Goals
Your Name and Title: Heddi Craft, EducatorOrganization or School Name: Discovery Learning Center, Santa Cruz, CACo-Presenter Name(s):Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Santa Cruz, CALanguage in Which You Will Present: EnglishTarget Audien
Read more…Fete de fin d'annee.
Je voudrais parler a propos des fetes de fin d'annee.Dans notre ecole,mes amis et moi essayent d'organiser une fete de fin d'annee pour reunir tous nos amis ou (eleve) a partir au sale de patinage, a la piscine,au cinema, ou dans la maison d'un eleve
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