France is kown for being a country that manufactures a lot of luxury products like Haute Couture clothes, handbags, shoes, and fragrances ! Many fragrance business are French, for example : - Chanel : In 1921, Ernest Beaux designed the famous ' N° 5…
Hi everybody ! Before I begin, I would say that stereotypes make some people vexed or angry... But from my perpersctive it depends what kind of stereotypes are disscussed. In this text, I'll try to talk about not very offensives stereotypes.So,…
THE GEORGES POMPIDOU CENTERPresentation The Georges-Pompidou center, called Beaubourg too, is in Paris. It's the national center of art and culture. The museum receives 6.6 billions of visitors each year. It's very famous in France : the third…