Your Name and Title: Monica Cochran, Director of Global Learning Programs
Organization or School Name: SelfDesign Global Learning Community
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: United States
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Home learners, educators, parents, mentors
Short Session Description (one line): Join a discussion of the book SelfDesign: Unfolding Our Infinite Wisdom Within, written by Dr. Brent Cameron and River Meyer. It is the story of one father's journey to nurture his daughter's natural love of learning, which developed into a philosophy and methodology that supports learners of all ages to become self-directed, life long learners -- authors of their own lives.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): In this session we will discuss how the SelfDesign models and processes support parents and learners seeking a more personalized, enthusiasm based learning approach. Come learn how to co-create a personalized learning plan based upon a learner's strengths and interests that puts the learner in the center of the learning process. Expand your awareness of how the many ways of learning show up in our lives each day. Explore how observing and reflecting on learning allows learners to become the authors of their own lives. Deepen your understanding of how relationships with caring adults and mentors are crucial in developing the skills and sensibilities that nurture compassionate, self-directed learners.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:,
I heard Brent Cameron at the Rethinking Everything conference in Texas in 2009. Am putting this information out to the all India HS group in India.
Sounds interesting!