Your Name and Title:
Lori Dunlap, MBA
Writer, Speaker, Career Advisor
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
United States
Portland, OR
Language in Which You Will Present:
Target Audience(s):
Home schooling/unschooling parents and students
Short Session Description (one line):
In this session we will take a look at the rapidly-changing landscape of post-high school education, including traditional and non-traditional options.
Full Session Description:
As home-schooled high school students and their families consider post-graduation options, many struggle with the question of whether to continue on a non-traditional educational path, or to merge back on to the traditional college-bound one. Adding to the pressure and complexity of this decision are decreasing acceptance rates at many colleges (less than 10% at selective colleges), skyrocketing tuition rates, and a tight job market. Is a four-year degree, and all of the planning it requires, worth it?
In this session we will take a look at the rapidly-changing landscape of post-high school education, including traditional and non-traditional options. We will also discuss the critical factors to consider in making your decision whether to pursue a four-year degree or not, and key steps your child can take to stand out and effectively compete in any application process (whether for college admissions or job applications).
I will also share specific information including:
- The results of recent research related to college admissions officers' views of applications from home schooled students,
- Profiles of home-educated students who are successfully pursuing their post-graduation goals, and
- Current and predicted employment trends you need to know about.
By the end of this session you will have a better understanding of post-high school options for your child, a list of criteria to consider in making your decision, and a list of resources to support you as you navigate through this transition.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: