Your Name and Title: Thomas E. Zurinskas, creator of truespel phonetics
Organization or School Name: Truespel Inc.
Co-Presenter Name(s): none
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: English
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): ESL teachers and students as well as US k-1 Common Core teachers
Short Session Description (one line):
Benefits of truespel phonetics for English pronunciation and phoneme analysis
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
I’m Tom Zurinskas, creator of truespel phonetics, the one and only English-based phonetic notation making it easy to "write" as well as read phonetics for all ages, even kids. The good news is that there is a “phonetics” requirement in the US Common Core Educational curriculum for K-1 students perfect for truespel phonetics.
The big problem in literacy is that the IPA and dictionary guides are not good for showing English pronunciation because they use special symbols. Thus, writing with phonetics is not taught in US grade schools, nor is it used in US media or government publications. Basically, academic phonetics is mostly useless outside academia. To overcome this, truespel phonetics is designed to use only the letters of the alphabet to enable “writing” as well as reading phonetically. This is new – and brings forward a huge number of academic possibilities, such as phonetic awareness assessment and ELT phoneme display.
The best part is that truespel is easy to learn and free. See the truespel phonetics youtube tutorials listed at For ESL, when the 40 sounds are mastered, learners can speak US English without a problem. They can read US English phonetically with minimal accent by pasting paragraphs into the two-way converter at The converter displays phonetics next to traditional text to show pronunciation, and words can be clicked to show definitions. (Note the spelling is based on US English, and the pronunciation model is from the spoken words of US "talking" dictionaries. The vast majority (57%-Wikipedia) of native English speakers are from North America.)
I’d like to work with you in developing and applying truespel phonetics in the future. It’s finally the answer for integrating reading texts with dictionaries, translation guides, ESL, phonemic aptitude assessment, and analytic methodologies. Results of ongoing trials in Korea show that high school students vastly prefer truespel phonetics to IPA or dictionary notations that use special symbols. It's learnable in 15 minutes they say, and in a short time they were actually “writing” notes in phonetics to show pronunciation.
I've recently co-authored a paper on the upgrading of the Korea language based on truespel phonetics. The paper is "The Romanizaton of Korean using TrueKor," presented at The International Conference for the Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics (KACL 2012) on December 10, 2012, by Hyung J. Martin, UNIversal Language Institute and Thomas E. Zurinskas, Truespel Inc.
The four truespel books are at . They consist of a VOA dictionary with a truespel pronunciation guide (where none was present at all) and two books of phoneme frequency analyses. All English teachers should be familiar with the data in these books. A free course on truespel phonetics is at
Phonetics should be simple, not hard. For a quick demo see ESL learners need only know how to say the sounds in this demo to speak correctly any word in US English.
My presentation will show how truespel can be used in spreadsheets to analyze phoneme frequency which includes an analysis of words frequency in text and thus phoneme frequency in text for the top 5k most popular English words.
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Sorry I didn't see this. It was in the wrong discussion forum. I'm accepting now in case there is still time for you to present.