Teacher evaluation

There is in my country an interesting discussion regarding the evaluation of teachers’ activity. I would very much appreciate if some of you can share with us the experience in your countries. Maybe these questions could be of help.

1.- How and when are teachers evaluated ?
2.- Who evaluates the teachers?
3.- What are the criteria for getting a job?
4.- What are the requests when applying for a job as a teacher?
5.- Who establishes the teacher’s salary?

Many thanks,

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  • Greetings from Uganda, am very much impressed with this discussion an at the right time when Ugandan teachers are in the crisis.

    let me begin with question 1 

    1.- How and when are teachers evaluated ?

    Teachers in Uganda are evaluated almost every year and towards the end of the year.

    2.- Who evaluates the teachers? 

    The line ministry set out the evaluating forms and avail them to headteachers at the local offices i.e District education offices (DEO) for them to pick them and distribute them to the teachers at school levels.Then the headteachers call one by one to pick the form and they go it through together but the only disadvantage of this is that after the departure of the interviewee, the interview can easily tarnish the interviewee when recommending. 

    3.- What are the criteria for getting a job?  

    The ministry advertises the teaching posts with in the education sector and requests the body concerned to receive the applications and interview the applicants if one passes the interview is then given the posting instructions to the posted school.

    4.- What are the requests when applying for a job as a teacher? 

    All the transcripts that one had obtained during learning process inclusive of other certificates obtained in any fields ie working as an pooling assistant during elections, attending a training workshop about local resource mobilization etc.

    5.- Who establishes the teacher’s salary?

    For the case of Uganda, l do not exactly who establishes the salary however some times l hear parliamentarians discussing on issues concerning teachers' salaries.

    However it now over 3 months here in Uganda some of the teachers not being paid and some have resorted to leaving pupils in class and go for stealing cows in the kraals.

    Thank you for these questions may outside there may be some one that would bring in any change that would let these teachers earn something (project) while still waiting for their salaries.

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