Your Name and Title: Jennifer Fee, K-12 Programs Manager
Organization or School Name: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, BirdSleuth
Co-Presenter Name(s): Ileana Betancourt, Project Assistant
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Homeschool Educators
Short Session Description (one line): The Cornell Lab of Ornithology provides a variety of resources, content and training for educators that cover topics from bird biology to citizen science while providing math, literature, and art connections for interdisciplinary/cross-curricular teaching.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
When children ask and answer their own questions, they take responsibility for learning in a way that both interests and motivates them. One way to approach to inquiry is to get students to start making observations through participation in citizen science. From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, BirdSleuth K-12 staff will explain how our projects work and show you some of the best ways Homeschool families can access and use these resources.
Citizen Science projects, such as FeederWatch, build science skills using the scientific process. By participating in this winter- time project, kids observe birds carefully, collect data, ask questions, and draw conclusions through research and observation, even publishing results. Students therefore experience what it’s like to be a professional scientist. BirdSleuth K-12 has created supporting resources and curriculum with the Homeschool audience in mind, providing science activities that can be implemented in your own yard or neighborhood. Join us and discover the extensive materials and content available for your young scientists.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: