Your Name and Title: Kimberly Belair, Librarian I and Technology Specialist
Co-Presenter Name(s): Erin Lorandos and Cherise Mead
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Arizona, United States
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Adults
Short Session Description (one line): Learn how to access free online resources for your research, entertainment, and edification!
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
In this session, participants will learn about a variety of free online resources available to public library card holders. Many public libraries allow their cardholders to borrow free eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies and television shows. They can download free music and magazines to keep. Similarly, they can conduct research such as through our Gale databases; learn a new language with Rocket or Powerspeak Languages; discover how to blog, create a website or design a new app using Treehouse, or create the ultimate reading list using NoveList and Books & Authors. Modern libraries are more than just books. We are a community resource meant to engage, enlighten, and empower you! Find out about the range of free services at the Mesa Public Library and apply this knowledge to services from your own local library.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: