Your Name and Title:
John Cummins and TaoTao Long, University of Tennessee Instructional Technology PhD candidate
Organization or School Name: University of Tennessee
Co-Presenter Name(s): TaoTao Long, University of Tennessee Instructional Technology PhD candidate and Jennifer Ammons Homeschool Coop Flipper
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA
Language in Which You Will Present:
Target Audience(s):
Homeschool Coop Teachers
Short Session Description:
Flipping the Homeschool Coop: Plus and MInuses!
Full Session Description:
We want to probe into the ideas of flipping homeschooling coops. The idea is to free up more hands-on active learning during homeschool coop "classes" to make the events more social and to foster deeper learning. The flipper will need to provide some sort of pre-class training which we hope to deal with in the presentation. We would like to rapidly cover some of the dos and don'ts.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
4 basic steps to FLIP:
Jon Bergmann's Flipped Learning:
FlipSide, Bam Radio
Khan Academy- cons:
Khan Academy - resource:
I am very interested in your presentation. The home school science labs I facilitate are in a "flipped classroom" concept. It has worked well for us so far...
One conversation that consistently comes up in the context of flipped classroom, or in this case co-op, is an agreed-to definition of what constitutes a flipped classroom? There has been much debate about this...
Looking forward to this weekend.