Your Name and Title:
Dr. Bernard Bull, Assistant Vice President of Academics, Associate Professor of Education, and father of two children who are experiencing the joys of a personalized, home-based education.
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Wisconsin, USA
Language in Which You Will Present:
Target Audience(s):
anyone interested in homeschooling, place-based learning, personalized learning, educational technology, and/or self-blended learning
Short Session Description (one line):
Come explore ten ways that homeschooling possibilities are extended and amplified in the digital age.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
We live in a "Wild West Era" of education, one rich with changes, educational experiments, and emerging technologies.. How are these changes, experiments and technologies impacting homeschooling? In this session we will explore ten trends that many families and learners are leveraging for high-impact, personalized, home-based learning.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: